With the following privacy policy we would like to inform you which types of your personal data (hereinafter also abbreviated as “ data“) we process for which purposes and in which scope. The privacy statement applies to all processing of personal data carried out by us, both in the context of providing our services and in particular on our websites, in mobile applications and within external online presences, such as our social media profiles (hereinafter collectively referred to as „online services“).
The terms used are not gender-specific.
Last Update: 6. February 2020
Albert Ibragimov
Bachstraße 24
42275 Wuppertal, Germany
E-mail address: kontakt@pexdesign.de
Legal Notice: https://pexdesign.de/en/imprint/
The following table summarises the types of data processed, the purposes for which they are processed and the concerned data subjects.
In the following we inform you about the legal basis of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), on the basis of which we process personal data. Please note that, in addition to the regulations of the GDPR, the national data cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== cmVndWxhdGlvbnM= bWF5 YXBwbHk= aW4= eW91cg== Y291bnRyeQ== b3I= aW4= b3Vy Y291bnRyeQ== b2Y= cmVzaWRlbmNl b3I= ZG9taWNpbGUu SWYs aW4= YWRkaXRpb24s bW9yZQ== c3BlY2lmaWM= bGVnYWw= YmFzZXM= YXJl YXBwbGljYWJsZQ== aW4= aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== Y2FzZXMs d2U= d2lsbA== aW5mb3Jt eW91 b2Y= dGhlc2U= aW4= dGhl ZGF0YQ== cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== ZGVjbGFyYXRpb24u
National data protection regulations in Germany:
In addition to the data protection regulations of the General Data Protection Regulation, national regulations apply to data protection in Germany. This includes in particular the Law on Protection against Misuse of Personal Data in Data Processing (Federal Data Protection Act – BDSG). In particular, the BDSG contains special provisions on the right to access, the right to erase, the right to object, the processing of special Y2F0ZWdvcmllcw== b2Y= cGVyc29uYWw= ZGF0YSw= cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== Zm9y b3RoZXI= cHVycG9zZXM= YW5k dHJhbnNtaXNzaW9u YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= YXV0b21hdGVk aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== ZGVjaXNpb24tbWFraW5nLA== aW5jbHVkaW5n cHJvZmlsaW5nLg== RnVydGhlcm1vcmUs aXQ= cmVndWxhdGVz ZGF0YQ== cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= dGhl ZW1wbG95bWVudA== cmVsYXRpb25zaGlw KMKn MjY= QkRTRyks aW4= cGFydGljdWxhcg== d2l0aA== cmVnYXJk dG8= dGhl ZXN0YWJsaXNobWVudCw= ZXhlY3V0aW9u b3I= dGVybWluYXRpb24= b2Y= ZW1wbG95bWVudA== cmVsYXRpb25zaGlwcw== YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= dGhl Y29uc2VudA== b2Y= ZW1wbG95ZWVzLg== RnVydGhlcm1vcmUs ZGF0YQ== cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== bGF3cw== b2Y= dGhl aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== ZmVkZXJhbA== c3RhdGVz bWF5 YXBwbHku
We take appropriate technical and organisational measures in accordance with the legal requirements, taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing as well as the risk of varying likelihood and severity for the rights and freedoms of natural persons, in order to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk.
The measures include, in particular, safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data by controlling physical and electronic access dG8= dGhl ZGF0YQ== YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= YWNjZXNz dG8s aW5wdXQs dHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uLA== c2VjdXJpbmc= YW5k c2VwYXJhdGlvbg== b2Y= dGhl ZGF0YS4= SW4= YWRkaXRpb24s d2U= aGF2ZQ== ZXN0YWJsaXNoZWQ= cHJvY2VkdXJlcw== dG8= ZW5zdXJl dGhhdA== ZGF0YQ== c3ViamVjdHMn cmlnaHRz YXJl cmVzcGVjdGVkLA== dGhhdA== ZGF0YQ== aXM= ZXJhc2VkLA== YW5k dGhhdA== d2U= YXJl cHJlcGFyZWQ= dG8= cmVzcG9uZA== dG8= ZGF0YQ== dGhyZWF0cw== cmFwaWRseS4= RnVydGhlcm1vcmUs d2U= dGFrZQ== dGhl cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== b2Y= cGVyc29uYWw= ZGF0YQ== aW50bw== YWNjb3VudA== YXM= ZWFybHk= YXM= dGhl ZGV2ZWxvcG1lbnQ= b3I= c2VsZWN0aW9u b2Y= aGFyZHdhcmUs c29mdHdhcmU= YW5k c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXJzLA== aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl cHJpbmNpcGxl b2Y= cHJpdmFjeQ== Ynk= ZGVzaWdu YW5k cHJpdmFjeQ== Ynk= ZGVmYXVsdC4=
In the context of our processing of personal data, it may happen that the data is transferred to other places, companies or persons or that it is disclosed to them. Recipients of this data may include, for example, payment institutions within the context of payment transactions, service providers commissioned with SVQ= dGFza3M= b3I= cHJvdmlkZXJz b2Y= c2VydmljZXM= YW5k Y29udGVudA== dGhhdA== YXJl ZW1iZWRkZWQ= aW4= YQ== d2Vic2l0ZS4= SW4= c3VjaA== YQ== Y2FzZSw= dGhl bGVnYWw= cmVxdWlyZW1lbnRz d2lsbA== YmU= cmVzcGVjdGVk YW5k aW4= cGFydGljdWxhcg== Y29ycmVzcG9uZGluZw== Y29udHJhY3Rz b3I= YWdyZWVtZW50cyw= d2hpY2g= c2VydmU= dGhl cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== b2Y= eW91cg== ZGF0YSw= d2lsbA== YmU= Y29uY2x1ZGVk d2l0aA== dGhl cmVjaXBpZW50cw== b2Y= eW91cg== ZGF0YS4=
If we process data in a third country (i.e. outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA)) or the processing takes place in the context of the use of third party services or disclosure or transfer of data to other persons, bodies or companies, this will only take place in accordance with the legal requirements.
Subject to express consent or transfer required by contract or law, we process or aGF2ZQ== cHJvY2Vzc2Vk dGhl ZGF0YQ== b25seQ== aW4= dGhpcmQ= Y291bnRyaWVz d2l0aA== YQ== cmVjb2duaXNlZA== bGV2ZWw= b2Y= ZGF0YQ== cHJvdGVjdGlvbiw= d2hpY2g= aW5jbHVkZXM= VVM= cHJvY2Vzc29ycw== Y2VydGlmaWVk dW5kZXI= dGhl IlByaXZhY3k= U2hpZWxkIg== b3I= b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= c3BlY2lhbA== Z3VhcmFudGVlcyw= c3VjaA== YXM= YQ== Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= b2JsaWdhdGlvbg== dGhyb3VnaA== c28tY2FsbGVk c3RhbmRhcmQ= cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== Y2xhdXNlcw== b2Y= dGhl RVU= Q29tbWlzc2lvbiw= dGhl ZXhpc3RlbmNl b2Y= Y2VydGlmaWNhdGlvbnM= b3I= YmluZGluZw== aW50ZXJuYWw= ZGF0YQ== cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== cmVndWxhdGlvbnM= KEFydGljbGU= NDQ= dG8= NDk= R0RQUiw= aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= cGFnZQ== b2Y= dGhl RVU= Q29tbWlzc2lvbjo= PGE= aHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly9lYy5ldXJvcGEuZXUvaW5mby9sYXcvbGF3LXRvcGljL2RhdGEtcHJvdGVjdGlvbi9pbnRlcm5hdGlvbmFsLWRpbWVuc2lvbi1kYXRhLXByb3RlY3Rpb25fZW4pLiI= dGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPmh0dHBzOi8vZWMuZXVyb3BhLmV1L2luZm8vbGF3L2xhdy10b3BpYy9kYXRhLXByb3RlY3Rpb24vaW50ZXJuYXRpb25hbC1kaW1lbnNpb24tZGF0YS1wcm90ZWN0aW9uX2VuKS48L2E+
Cookies are text files that contain data from visited websites or domains and are stored by a browser on the user’s computer. A cookie is primarily used to store information about a user during or after his visit within an online service. The information stored can include, for example, the language settings on a website, the login status, a shopping basket or the location where a video was viewed. The term „cookies“ also includes other technologies that fulfil the same functions as cookies (e.g. if user information is stored using pseudonymous online identifiers, also referred to as „user IDs“).
The following types and functions of cookies are distinguished:
ZGlzcGxheWVk ZGlyZWN0bHk= d2hlbg== dGhl dXNlcg== dmlzaXRz YQ== d2Vic2l0ZQ== YWdhaW4u VGhl aW50ZXJlc3Rz b2Y= dXNlcnM= d2hv YXJl dXNlZA== Zm9y cmFuZ2U= bWVhc3VyZW1lbnQ= b3I= bWFya2V0aW5n cHVycG9zZXM= Y2Fu YWxzbw== YmU= c3RvcmVk aW4= c3VjaA== YQ== Y29va2llLjwvbGk+CjxsaT48c3Ryb25nPkZpcnN0LVBhcnR5LUNvb2tpZXM8L3N0cm9uZz46 Rmlyc3QtUGFydHktQ29va2llcw== YXJl c2V0 Ynk= b3Vyc2VsdmVzLjwvbGk+CjxsaT48c3Ryb25nPlRoaXJk cGFydHk= Y29va2llczwvc3Ryb25nPjo= VGhpcmQ= cGFydHk= Y29va2llcw== YXJl bWFpbmx5 dXNlZA== Ynk= YWR2ZXJ0aXNlcnM= KHNvLWNhbGxlZA== dGhpcmQ= cGFydGllcyk= dG8= cHJvY2Vzcw== dXNlcg== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24uPC9saT4KPGxpPjxzdHJvbmc+TmVjZXNzYXJ5 KGFsc286 ZXNzZW50aWFsKQ== Y29va2llczo8L3N0cm9uZz4= Q29va2llcw== Y2Fu YmU= bmVjZXNzYXJ5 Zm9y dGhl b3BlcmF0aW9u b2Y= YQ== d2Vic2l0ZQ== KGUuZy4= dG8= c2F2ZQ== bG9naW5z b3I= b3RoZXI= dXNlcg== aW5wdXRz b3I= Zm9y c2VjdXJpdHk= cmVhc29ucykuPC9saT4KPGxpPjxzdHJvbmc+U3RhdGlzdGljcyw= bWFya2V0aW5n YW5k cGVyc29uYWxpc2F0aW9u Y29va2llczwvc3Ryb25nPjo= Q29va2llcw== YXJl YWxzbw== Z2VuZXJhbGx5 dXNlZA== dG8= bWVhc3VyZQ== YQ== d2Vic2l0ZSdz cmVhY2g= YW5k d2hlbg== YQ== dXNlcidz aW50ZXJlc3Rz b3I= YmVoYXZpb3Vy KGUuZy4= dmlld2luZw== Y2VydGFpbg== Y29udGVudCw= dXNpbmc= ZnVuY3Rpb25zLA== ZXRjLik= YXJl c3RvcmVk b24= aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== d2Vic2l0ZXM= aW4= YQ== dXNlcg== cHJvZmlsZS4= U3VjaA== cHJvZmlsZXM= YXJl dXNlZCw= Zm9y ZXhhbXBsZSw= dG8= ZGlzcGxheQ== Y29udGVudA== dG8= dXNlcnM= dGhhdA== Y29ycmVzcG9uZHM= dG8= dGhlaXI= cG90ZW50aWFs aW50ZXJlc3RzLg== VGhpcw== cHJvY2VkdXJl aXM= YWxzbw== cmVmZXJyZWQ= dG8= YXM= InRyYWNraW5nIiw= aS5lLg== dHJhY2tpbmc= dGhl cG90ZW50aWFs aW50ZXJlc3Rz b2Y= dXNlcnMu Lg== SWY= d2U= dXNl Y29va2llcw== b3I= InRyYWNraW5nIg== dGVjaG5vbG9naWVzLA== d2U= d2lsbA== aW5mb3Jt eW91 c2VwYXJhdGVseQ== aW4= b3Vy cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5 b3I= aW4= dGhl Y29udGV4dA== b2Y= b2J0YWluaW5n Y29uc2VudC48L2xpPgo8L3VsPgoKPHN0cm9uZz5JbmZvcm1hdGlvbg== b24= bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM6PC9zdHJvbmc+ VGhl bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM= b24= d2hpY2g= d2U= cHJvY2Vzcw== eW91cg== cGVyc29uYWw= ZGF0YQ== d2l0aA== dGhl aGVscA== b2Y= Y29va2llcw== ZGVwZW5kcw== b24= d2hldGhlcg== d2U= YXNr eW91 Zm9y eW91cg== Y29uc2VudC4= SWY= dGhpcw== YXBwbGllcw== YW5k eW91 Y29uc2VudA== dG8= dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcyw= dGhl bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM= Zm9y cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== eW91cg== ZGF0YQ== aXM= eW91cg== ZGVjbGFyZWQ= Y29uc2VudC4= T3RoZXJ3aXNlLA== dGhl ZGF0YQ== cHJvY2Vzc2Vk d2l0aA== dGhl aGVscA== b2Y= Y29va2llcw== d2lsbA== YmU= cHJvY2Vzc2Vk b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz KGUuZy4= aW4= YQ== YnVzaW5lc3M= b3BlcmF0aW9u b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZQ== YW5k aXRz aW1wcm92ZW1lbnQp b3Is aWY= dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcw== aXM= bmVjZXNzYXJ5 dG8= ZnVsZmlsbA== b3Vy Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= b2JsaWdhdGlvbnMuCgo8c3Ryb25nPkdlbmVyYWw= aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= V2l0aGRyYXdhbA== b2Y= Y29uc2VudA== YW5k b2JqZWN0aW9u KE9wdC1PdXQpOg== PC9zdHJvbmc+UmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== b2Y= d2hldGhlcg== cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== aXM= YmFzZWQ= b24= Y29uc2VudA== b3I= bGVnYWw= cGVybWlzc2lvbiw= eW91 aGF2ZQ== dGhl b3B0aW9u YXQ= YW55 dGltZQ== dG8= b2JqZWN0 dG8= dGhl cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b2Y= eW91cg== ZGF0YQ== dXNpbmc= Y29va2ll dGVjaG5vbG9naWVz b3I= dG8= cmV2b2tl Y29uc2VudA== KGNvbGxlY3RpdmVseQ== cmVmZXJyZWQ= dG8= YXM= Im9wdC1vdXQiKS4= WW91 Y2Fu aW5pdGlhbGx5 ZXhwbGFpbg== eW91cg== b2JqZWN0aW9u dXNpbmc= dGhl c2V0dGluZ3M= b2Y= eW91cg== YnJvd3Nlciw= ZS5nLg== Ynk= ZGVhY3RpdmF0aW5n dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcw== KHdoaWNo bWF5 YWxzbw== cmVzdHJpY3Q= dGhl ZnVuY3Rpb25hbGl0eQ== b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXMpLg== QW4= b2JqZWN0aW9u dG8= dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcw== Zm9y b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n cHVycG9zZXM= Y2Fu YmU= cmFpc2Vk Zm9y YQ== bGFyZ2U= bnVtYmVy b2Y= c2VydmljZXMs ZXNwZWNpYWxseQ== aW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= dHJhY2tpbmcs dmlh dGhl d2Vic2l0ZXM= PGE= aHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYWJvdXRhZHMuaW5mby9jaG9pY2VzLyI= dGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmFib3V0YWRzLmluZm8vY2hvaWNlcy88L2E+ YW5k PGE= aHJlZj0iaHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91cm9ubGluZWNob2ljZXMuY29tLiI= dGFyZ2V0PSJfYmxhbmsiPmh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnlvdXJvbmxpbmVjaG9pY2VzLmNvbS48L2E+ SW4= YWRkaXRpb24s eW91 Y2Fu cmVjZWl2ZQ== ZnVydGhlcg== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= b2JqZWN0aW9ucw== aW4= dGhl Y29udGV4dA== b2Y= dGhl aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= dGhl dXNlZA== c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXJz YW5k Y29va2llcy4=
Processing Cookie Data on the Basis of Consent:
Before we process or have processed data within the context of the usage of cookies, we ask the users for their consent, which can be revoked at any time. Before the consent has not been given, d2U= bWF5 dXNl Y29va2llcw== dGhhdA== YXJl bmVjZXNzYXJ5 Zm9y dGhl b3BlcmF0aW9u b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXMu VGhlaXI= dXNl aXM= YmFzZWQ= b24= b3Vy aW50ZXJlc3Q= YW5k dGhl dXNlcidz aW50ZXJlc3Q= aW4= dGhl ZXhwZWN0ZWQ= ZnVuY3Rpb25hbGl0eQ== b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXMu
We process data of our contractual and business partners, e.g. customers and interested parties (collectively referred to as „contractual partners“) within the context of contractual and comparable legal relationships as well as associated actions and communication with the contractual partners or pre-contractually, e.g. to answer inquiries.
We process this data in order to fulfil our contractual obligations, safeguard our rights and for the purposes of the administrative tasks associated with this data and the business-related organisation. We will only pass on the data of the contractual partners within the scope of the applicable law to third parties insofar as this is necessary for the aforementioned purposes or for the fulfilment of legal obligations or with the consent of the contractual partners (e.g. telecommunications, transport and other auxiliary services as well as subcontractors, banks, tax and legal advisors, payment service providers or tax authorities). The contractual partners will be informed about further processing, ZS5nLg== Zm9y bWFya2V0aW5n cHVycG9zZXMs YXM= cGFydA== b2Y= dGhpcw== cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5LgoKV2hpY2g= ZGF0YQ== YXJl bmVjZXNzYXJ5 Zm9y dGhl YWZvcmVtZW50aW9uZWQ= cHVycG9zZXMs d2U= aW5mb3Jt dGhl Y29udHJhY3Rpbmc= cGFydG5lcnM= YmVmb3Jl b3I= aW4= dGhl Y29udGV4dA== b2Y= dGhl ZGF0YQ== Y29sbGVjdGlvbiw= ZS5nLg== aW4= b24tbGluZQ== Zm9ybXM= Ynk= c3BlY2lhbA== bWFya2luZw== KGUuZy4= Y29sb3JzKSw= YW5kL29y c3ltYm9scw== KGUuZy4= YXN0ZXJpc2tz b3I= dGhl bGlrZSks b3I= cGVyc29uYWxseS4KCldl ZGVsZXRl dGhl ZGF0YQ== YWZ0ZXI= ZXhwaXJ5 b2Y= c3RhdHV0b3J5 d2FycmFudHk= YW5k Y29tcGFyYWJsZQ== b2JsaWdhdGlvbnMs aS5lLg== aW4= cHJpbmNpcGxl YWZ0ZXI= ZXhwaXJ5 b2Y= NA== eWVhcnMs dW5sZXNz dGhl ZGF0YQ== aXM= c3RvcmVk aW4= YQ== Y3VzdG9tZXI= YWNjb3VudA== b3I= bXVzdA== YmU= a2VwdA== Zm9y bGVnYWw= cmVhc29ucw== b2Y= YXJjaGl2aW5n KGUuZy4s YXM= YQ== cnVsZQ== MTA= eWVhcnM= Zm9y dGF4 cHVycG9zZXMpLg== SW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= ZGF0YQ== ZGlzY2xvc2Vk dG8= dXM= Ynk= dGhl Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= cGFydG5lcg== d2l0aGlu dGhl Y29udGV4dA== b2Y= YW4= YXNzaWdubWVudCw= d2U= ZGVsZXRl dGhl ZGF0YQ== aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl c3BlY2lmaWNhdGlvbnM= b2Y= dGhl YXNzaWdubWVudCw= aW4= Z2VuZXJhbA== YWZ0ZXI= dGhl ZW5k b2Y= dGhl YXNzaWdubWVudC4KCklm d2U= dXNl dGhpcmQtcGFydHk= cHJvdmlkZXJz b3I= cGxhdGZvcm1z dG8= cHJvdmlkZQ== b3Vy c2VydmljZXMs dGhl dGVybXM= YW5k Y29uZGl0aW9ucw== YW5k cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWNpZXM= b2Y= dGhl cmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== dGhpcmQtcGFydHk= cHJvdmlkZXJz b3I= cGxhdGZvcm1z c2hhbGw= YXBwbHk= aW4= dGhl cmVsYXRpb25zaGlw YmV0d2Vlbg== dGhl dXNlcnM= YW5k dGhl cHJvdmlkZXJzLg==
When contacting us (e.g. by contact form, e-mail, telephone or via social media), the data of the inquiring persons are processed insofar as this is necessary to answer the contact enquiries and any requested activities.
The response to contact enquiries d2l0aGlu dGhl ZnJhbWV3b3Jr b2Y= Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= b3I= cHJlLWNvbnRyYWN0dWFs cmVsYXRpb25zaGlwcw== aXM= bWFkZQ== aW4= b3JkZXI= dG8= ZnVsZmls b3Vy Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= b2JsaWdhdGlvbnM= b3I= dG8= cmVzcG9uZA== dG8= KHByZSljb250cmFjdHVhbA== ZW5xdWlyaWVz YW5k b3RoZXJ3aXNl b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= dGhl bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz aW4= cmVzcG9uZGluZw== dG8= dGhl ZW5xdWlyaWVzLg==
We use Messenger services for communication purposes and therefore ask you to observe the following information regarding the functionality of the Messenger, encryption, use of the metadata of the communication and your objection options.
You can also contact us by alternative means, e.g. telephone or e-mail. Please use the contact options provided to you or use the contact options provided within our online services.
In the case of encryption of content (i.e. the content of your message and attachments), we point out that the communication content (i.e. the content of the message and attachments) is encrypted end-to-end. This means that the content of the messages is not visible, not even by the messenger providers themselves. You should always use a current version of the messenger with activated encryption, so that the encryption of the message contents is guaranteed.
However, we would like to point out to our communication partners that although messenger service cHJvdmlkZXJz ZG8= bm90 c2Vl dGhl Y29udGVudCw= dGhleQ== Y2Fu ZmluZA== b3V0 dGhhdA== YW5k d2hlbg== Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== cGFydG5lcnM= Y29tbXVuaWNhdGU= d2l0aA== dXM= YW5k cHJvY2Vzcw== dGVjaG5pY2Fs aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= dGhl Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== cGFydG5lcidz ZGV2aWNl dXNlZA== YW5kLA== ZGVwZW5kaW5n b24= dGhl c2V0dGluZ3M= b2Y= dGhlaXI= ZGV2aWNlLA== YWxzbw== bG9jYXRpb24= aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= KHNvLWNhbGxlZA== bWV0YWRhdGEpLg== CjxzdHJvbmc+SW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= TGVnYWw= YmFzaXM6 PC9zdHJvbmc+ SWY= d2U= YXNr Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== cGFydG5lcnM= Zm9y cGVybWlzc2lvbg== YmVmb3Jl Y29tbXVuaWNhdGluZw== d2l0aA== dGhlbQ== dmlh TWVzc2VuZ2VyLA== dGhl bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b2Y= dGhlaXI= ZGF0YQ== aXM= dGhlaXI= Y29uc2VudC4= T3RoZXJ3aXNlLA== aWY= d2U= ZG8= bm90 cmVxdWVzdA== Y29uc2VudA== YW5k eW91 Y29udGFjdA== dXMs Zm9y ZXhhbXBsZSw= dm9sdW50YXJpbHks d2U= dXNl TWVzc2VuZ2Vy aW4= b3Vy ZGVhbGluZ3M= d2l0aA== b3Vy Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= cGFydG5lcnM= YW5k YXM= cGFydA== b2Y= dGhl Y29udHJhY3Q= aW5pdGlhdGlvbg== cHJvY2Vzcw== YXM= YQ== Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= bWVhc3VyZQ== YW5k aW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= b3RoZXI= aW50ZXJlc3RlZA== cGFydGllcw== YW5k Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== cGFydG5lcnM= b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz aW4= ZmFzdA== YW5k ZWZmaWNpZW50 Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== YW5k bWVldGluZw== dGhl bmVlZHM= b2Y= b3Vy Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== cGFydG5lcnM= Zm9y Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== dmlh bWVzc2VuZ2Vycy4= V2U= d291bGQ= YWxzbw== bGlrZQ== dG8= cG9pbnQ= b3V0 dGhhdA== d2U= ZG8= bm90 dHJhbnNtaXQ= dGhl Y29udGFjdA== ZGF0YQ== cHJvdmlkZWQ= dG8= dXM= dG8= dGhl bWVzc2VuZ2Vy c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXJz Zm9y dGhl Zmlyc3Q= dGltZQ== d2l0aG91dA== eW91cg== Y29uc2VudC4KPHN0cm9uZz5XaXRoZHJhd2FsLA== b2JqZWN0aW9u YW5k ZGVsZXRpb246 PC9zdHJvbmc+ WW91 Y2Fu d2l0aGRyYXc= eW91cg== Y29uc2VudA== b3I= b2JqZWN0 dG8= Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== d2l0aA== dXM= dmlh TWVzc2VuZ2Vy YXQ= YW55 dGltZS5Jbg== dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== dmlh bWVzc2VuZ2VyLA== d2U= ZGVsZXRl dGhl bWVzc2FnZXM= aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== b3Vy Z2VuZXJhbA== ZGF0YQ== cmV0ZW50aW9u cG9saWN5 KGkuZS4= YXM= ZGVzY3JpYmVk YWJvdmU= YWZ0ZXI= dGhl ZW5k b2Y= Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= cmVsYXRpb25zaGlwcyw= YXJjaGl2aW5n cmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLA== ZXRjLik= YW5k b3RoZXJ3aXNl YXM= c29vbg== YXM= d2U= Y2Fu YXNzdW1l dGhhdA== d2U= aGF2ZQ== YW5zd2VyZWQ= YW55 aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= cHJvdmlkZWQ= Ynk= dGhl Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== cGFydG5lcnMs aWY= bm8= cmVmZXJlbmNl dG8= YQ== cHJldmlvdXM= Y29udmVyc2F0aW9u aXM= dG8= YmU= ZXhwZWN0ZWQ= YW5k dGhlcmU= YXJl bm8= bGVnYWw= b2JsaWdhdGlvbnM= dG8= c3RvcmU= dGhl bWVzc2FnZXM= dG8= cHJldmVudA== dGhlaXI= ZGVsZXRpb24uCjxTdHJvbmc+UmVzZXJ2YXRpb24= b2Y= cmVmZXJlbmNl dG8= b3RoZXI= bWVhbnM= b2Y= Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbjo8L3N0cm9uZz4= RmluYWxseSw= d2U= d291bGQ= bGlrZQ== dG8= cG9pbnQ= b3V0 dGhhdA== d2U= cmVzZXJ2ZQ== dGhl cmlnaHQs Zm9y cmVhc29ucw== b2Y= eW91cg== c2FmZXR5LA== bm90 dG8= YW5zd2Vy aW5xdWlyaWVz YWJvdXQ= TWVzc2VuZ2VyLg== VGhpcw== aXM= dGhl Y2FzZQ== aWYs Zm9y ZXhhbXBsZSw= aW50ZXJuYWw= Y29udHJhY3R1YWw= bWF0dGVycw== cmVxdWlyZQ== c3BlY2lhbA== c2VjcmVjeQ== b3I= aWY= YW4= YW5zd2Vy dmlh dGhl bWVzc2VuZ2Vy ZG9lcw== bm90 bWVldA== dGhl Zm9ybWFs cmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLg== SW4= c3VjaA== Y2FzZXM= d2U= cmVmZXI= eW91 dG8= bW9yZQ== YXBwcm9wcmlhdGU= Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== Y2hhbm5lbHMu
In order to provide our online services securely and efficiently, we use the services of one or more web hosting providers from whose servers (or servers they manage) the online services can be accessed. For these purposes, we may use infrastructure and platform services, computing capacity, storage space and database services, as well as security and technical maintenance services.
The data processed within the framework b2Y= dGhl cHJvdmlzaW9u b2Y= dGhl aG9zdGluZw== c2VydmljZXM= bWF5 aW5jbHVkZQ== YWxs aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= cmVsYXRpbmc= dG8= dGhl dXNlcnM= b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXM= dGhhdA== aXM= Y29sbGVjdGVk aW4= dGhl Y291cnNl b2Y= dXNl YW5k Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbi4= VGhpcw== cmVndWxhcmx5 aW5jbHVkZXM= dGhl SVA= YWRkcmVzcyw= d2hpY2g= aXM= bmVjZXNzYXJ5 dG8= YmU= YWJsZQ== dG8= ZGVsaXZlcg== dGhl Y29udGVudHM= b2Y= b25saW5l c2VydmljZXM= dG8= YnJvd3NlcnMs YW5k YWxs ZW50cmllcw== bWFkZQ== d2l0aGlu b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXM= b3I= ZnJvbQ== d2Vic2l0ZXMu
E-mail Sending and Hosting:
The web hosting services we use also include sending, receiving and storing e-mails. For these purposes, the addresses of the recipients and senders, as well as other information relating to the sending of e-mails (e.g. the providers involved) and the contents of the respective e-mails are processed. The above data may also be processed for SPAM detection purposes. Please note that ZS1tYWlscw== b24= dGhl SW50ZXJuZXQ= YXJl Z2VuZXJhbGx5 bm90 c2VudA== aW4= ZW5jcnlwdGVk Zm9ybS4= QXM= YQ== cnVsZSw= ZS1tYWlscw== YXJl ZW5jcnlwdGVk ZHVyaW5n dHJhbnNwb3J0LA== YnV0 bm90 b24= dGhl c2VydmVycw== ZnJvbQ== d2hpY2g= dGhleQ== YXJl c2VudA== YW5k cmVjZWl2ZWQ= KHVubGVzcw== YQ== c28tY2FsbGVk ZW5kLXRvLWVuZA== ZW5jcnlwdGlvbg== bWV0aG9k aXM= dXNlZCku V2U= Y2Fu dGhlcmVmb3Jl YWNjZXB0 bm8= cmVzcG9uc2liaWxpdHk= Zm9y dGhl dHJhbnNtaXNzaW9u cGF0aA== b2Y= ZS1tYWlscw== YmV0d2Vlbg== dGhl c2VuZGVy YW5k cmVjZXB0aW9u b24= b3Vy c2VydmVyLg==
Collection of Access Data and Log Files:
We, ourselves or our web hosting provider, collect data on the basis of each access to the server (so-called server log files). Server log files may include the address and name of the web pages and files accessed, the date and time of access, data volumes transferred, notification of successful access, browser type and version, the user’s operating c3lzdGVtLA== cmVmZXJyZXI= VVJM KHRoZQ== cHJldmlvdXNseQ== dmlzaXRlZA== cGFnZSk= YW5kLA== YXM= YQ== Z2VuZXJhbA== cnVsZSw= SVA= YWRkcmVzc2Vz YW5k dGhl cmVxdWVzdGluZw== cHJvdmlkZXIuClRoZQ== c2VydmVy bG9n ZmlsZXM= Y2Fu YmU= dXNlZA== Zm9y c2VjdXJpdHk= cHVycG9zZXMs ZS5nLg== dG8= YXZvaWQ= b3ZlcmxvYWRpbmc= dGhl c2VydmVycw== KGVzcGVjaWFsbHk= aW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= YWJ1c2l2ZQ== YXR0YWNrcyw= c28tY2FsbGVk RERvUw== YXR0YWNrcyk= YW5k dG8= ZW5zdXJl dGhl c3RhYmlsaXR5 YW5k b3B0aW1hbA== bG9hZA== YmFsYW5jaW5n b2Y= dGhl c2VydmVycw== Lg==
The application process requires applicants to provide us with the data necessary for their assessment and selection. The information required can be found in the job description or, in the case of online forms, in the information contained therein.
In principle, the required information includes personal information such as name, address, a contact option and proof of the qualifications required for a particular employment. Upon request, we will be happy to provide you with additional information.
If made available, applicants can submit their applications via an online form. The data will be transmitted to us encrypted according to the state of the art. Applicants can also send us their applications by e-mail. Please note, however, that e-mails on the Internet are generally not sent in encrypted form. As a rule, e-mails are encrypted during transport, but not on the servers from which they are sent and received. We can therefore accept no cmVzcG9uc2liaWxpdHk= Zm9y dGhl dHJhbnNtaXNzaW9u cGF0aA== b2Y= dGhl YXBwbGljYXRpb24= YmV0d2Vlbg== dGhl c2VuZGVy YW5k dGhl cmVjZXB0aW9u b24= b3Vy c2VydmVyLg== Rm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= c2VhcmNoaW5n Zm9y YXBwbGljYW50cyw= c3VibWl0dGluZw== YXBwbGljYXRpb25z YW5k c2VsZWN0aW5n YXBwbGljYW50cyw= d2U= bWF5 bWFrZQ== dXNl b2Y= dGhl YXBwbGljYW50 bWFuYWdlbWVudA== YW5k cmVjcnVpdG1lbnQ= c29mdHdhcmUs cGxhdGZvcm1z YW5k c2VydmljZXM= b2Y= dGhpcmQtcGFydHk= cHJvdmlkZXJz aW4= Y29tcGxpYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== bGVnYWw= cmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLg== QXBwbGljYW50cw== YXJl d2VsY29tZQ== dG8= Y29udGFjdA== dXM= YWJvdXQ= aG93 dG8= c3VibWl0 dGhlaXI= YXBwbGljYXRpb24= b3I= c2VuZA== aXQ= dG8= dXM= Ynk= cmVndWxhcg== bWFpbC4KCjxzdHJvbmc+UHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b2Y= c3BlY2lhbA== Y2F0ZWdvcmllcw== b2Y= ZGF0YTo8L3N0cm9uZz4= SWY= c3BlY2lhbA== Y2F0ZWdvcmllcw== b2Y= cGVyc29uYWw= ZGF0YQ== d2l0aGlu dGhl bWVhbmluZw== b2Y= QXJ0aWNsZQ== OQ== KDEp R0RQUg== KGUuZy4= aGVhbHRo ZGF0YSw= c3VjaA== YXM= c2V2ZXJlbHk= aGFuZGljYXBwZWQ= c3RhdHVz b3I= ZXRobmlj b3JpZ2luKQ== YXJl cmVxdWVzdGVk ZnJvbQ== YXBwbGljYW50cw== d2l0aGlu dGhl ZnJhbWV3b3Jr b2Y= dGhl YXBwbGljYXRpb24= cHJvY2VkdXJlLA== c28= dGhhdA== dGhl cmVzcG9uc2libGU= cGVyc29u b3I= dGhl cGVyc29u Y29uY2VybmVk Y2Fu ZXhlcmNpc2U= aGlzL2hlcg== cmlnaHRz YXJpc2luZw== ZnJvbQ== bGFib3Vy bGF3 YW5k c29jaWFs c2VjdXJpdHk= YW5k c29jaWFs cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== bGF3 YW5k ZnVsZmls aGlzL2hlcg== ZHV0aWVz aW4= dGhpcw== cmVnYXJkLA== dGhlaXI= cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== c2hhbGw= YmU= Y2FycmllZA== b3V0 aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== QXJ0aWNsZQ== OQ== KDEpKGIp R0RQUiw= aW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= dGhl cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== b2Y= dml0YWw= aW50ZXJlc3Rz b2Y= YXBwbGljYW50cw== b3I= b3RoZXI= cGVyc29ucw== cHVyc3VhbnQ= dG8= QXJ0aWNsZQ== OQ== KDEpKGMp R0RQUg== b3I= Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= cHJldmVudGl2ZQ== aGVhbHRo Y2FyZQ== b3I= b2NjdXBhdGlvbmFs bWVkaWNpbmUs Zm9y dGhl YXNzZXNzbWVudA== b2Y= dGhl ZW1wbG95ZWUncw== YWJpbGl0eQ== dG8= d29yayw= Zm9y bWVkaWNhbA== ZGlhZ25vc3RpY3Ms Y2FyZQ== b3I= dHJlYXRtZW50 aW4= dGhl aGVhbHRo b3I= c29jaWFs c2VjdG9y b3I= Zm9y dGhl YWRtaW5pc3RyYXRpb24= b2Y= c3lzdGVtcw== YW5k c2VydmljZXM= aW4= dGhl aGVhbHRo b3I= c29jaWFs c2VjdG9y aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== QXJ0aWNsZQ== OQ== KDEpKGgp R0RQUi4= SW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= YQ== Y29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbg== b2Y= c3BlY2lhbA== Y2F0ZWdvcmllcw== b2Y= ZGF0YQ== YmFzZWQ= b24= dm9sdW50YXJ5 Y29uc2VudCw= dGhlaXI= cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== aXM= Y2FycmllZA== b3V0 b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= QXJ0aWNsZQ== OQ== KDEpKGEp R0RQUi4KCjxzdHJvbmc+RXJlYXN1cmU= b2Y= ZGF0YTo8L3N0cm9uZz4= SW4= dGhl ZXZlbnQ= b2Y= YQ== c3VjY2Vzc2Z1bA== YXBwbGljYXRpb24s dGhl ZGF0YQ== cHJvdmlkZWQ= Ynk= dGhl YXBwbGljYW50cw== bWF5 YmU= ZnVydGhlcg== cHJvY2Vzc2Vk Ynk= dXM= Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= dGhl ZW1wbG95bWVudA== cmVsYXRpb25zaGlwLg== T3RoZXJ3aXNlLA== aWY= dGhl YXBwbGljYXRpb24= Zm9y YQ== am9i b2ZmZXI= aXM= bm90 c3VjY2Vzc2Z1bCw= dGhl YXBwbGljYW50J3M= ZGF0YQ== d2lsbA== YmU= ZGVsZXRlZC4= QXBwbGljYW50cyc= ZGF0YQ== d2lsbA== YWxzbw== YmU= ZGVsZXRlZA== aWY= YW4= YXBwbGljYXRpb24= aXM= d2l0aGRyYXduLA== dG8= d2hpY2g= YXBwbGljYW50cw== YXJl ZW50aXRsZWQ= YXQ= YW55 dGltZS4= U3ViamVjdA== dG8= YQ== anVzdGlmaWVk cmV2b2NhdGlvbg== Ynk= dGhl YXBwbGljYW50LA== dGhl ZGVsZXRpb24= d2lsbA== dGFrZQ== cGxhY2U= YXQ= dGhl bGF0ZXN0 YWZ0ZXI= dGhl ZXhwaXJ5 b2Y= YQ== cGVyaW9k b2Y= c2l4 bW9udGhzLA== c28= dGhhdA== d2U= Y2Fu YW5zd2Vy YW55 Zm9sbG93LXVw cXVlc3Rpb25z cmVnYXJkaW5n dGhl YXBwbGljYXRpb24= YW5k Y29tcGx5 d2l0aA== b3Vy ZHV0eQ== b2Y= cHJvb2Y= dW5kZXI= dGhl cmVndWxhdGlvbnM= b24= ZXF1YWw= dHJlYXRtZW50 b2Y= YXBwbGljYW50cy4= SW52b2ljZXM= Zm9y YW55 cmVpbWJ1cnNlbWVudA== b2Y= dHJhdmVs ZXhwZW5zZXM= YXJl YXJjaGl2ZWQ= aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGF4 cmVndWxhdGlvbnMuCgo8c3Ryb25nPkFkbWlzc2lvbg== dG8= YQ== dGFsZW50 cG9vbA== LQ== PC9zdHJvbmc+ QWRtaXNzaW9u dG8= YW4= dGFsZW50 cG9vbCw= aWY= b2ZmZXJlZCw= aXM= YmFzZWQ= b24= Y29uc2VudC4= QXBwbGljYW50cw== YXJl aW5mb3JtZWQ= dGhhdA== dGhlaXI= Y29uc2VudA== dG8= YmU= aW5jbHVkZWQ= aW4= dGhl dGFsZW50 cG9vbA== aXM= dm9sdW50YXJ5LA== aGFz bm8= aW5mbHVlbmNl b24= dGhl Y3VycmVudA== YXBwbGljYXRpb24= cHJvY2Vzcw== YW5k dGhhdA== dGhleQ== Y2Fu cmV2b2tl dGhlaXI= Y29uc2VudA== YXQ= YW55 dGltZQ== Zm9y dGhl ZnV0dXJlLg==
We send newsletters, e-mails and other electronic communications (hereinafter referred to as „newsletters“) only with the consent of the recipient or a legal permission. Insofar as the contents of the newsletter are specifically described within the framework of registration, they are decisive for the consent of the user. Otherwise, our newsletters contain information about our services and us.
In order to subscribe to our newsletters, it is generally sufficient to enter your e-mail address. We may, however, ask you to provide a name for the purpose of contacting you personally in the newsletter or to provide further information if this is required for the purposes of the newsletter.
Double opt-in procedure: The registration to our newsletter takes place in general in a so-called Double-Opt-In procedure. This means that you will receive an e-mail after registration asking you to confirm your registration. This confirmation is necessary so that no one can register with external ZS1tYWls YWRkcmVzc2VzLg== ClRoZQ== cmVnaXN0cmF0aW9ucw== Zm9y dGhl bmV3c2xldHRlcg== YXJl bG9nZ2Vk aW4= b3JkZXI= dG8= YmU= YWJsZQ== dG8= cHJvdmU= dGhl cmVnaXN0cmF0aW9u cHJvY2Vzcw== YWNjb3JkaW5n dG8= dGhl bGVnYWw= cmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLg== VGhpcw== aW5jbHVkZXM= c3RvcmluZw== dGhl bG9naW4= YW5k Y29uZmlybWF0aW9u dGltZXM= YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= dGhl SVA= YWRkcmVzcy4= TGlrZXdpc2U= dGhl Y2hhbmdlcw== b2Y= eW91cg== ZGF0YQ== c3RvcmVk d2l0aA== dGhl ZGlzcGF0Y2g= c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXI= YXJl bG9nZ2VkLgoKPHN0cm9uZz5EZWxldGlvbg== YW5k cmVzdHJpY3Rpb24= b2Y= cHJvY2Vzc2luZzo8L3N0cm9uZz4= V2U= bWF5 c3RvcmU= dGhl dW5zdWJzY3JpYmVk ZW1haWw= YWRkcmVzc2Vz Zm9y dXA= dG8= dGhyZWU= eWVhcnM= YmFzZWQ= b24= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz YmVmb3Jl ZGVsZXRpbmc= dGhlbQ== dG8= cHJvdmlkZQ== ZXZpZGVuY2U= b2Y= cHJpb3I= Y29uc2VudC4= VGhl cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b2Y= dGhlc2U= ZGF0YQ== aXM= bGltaXRlZA== dG8= dGhl cHVycG9zZQ== b2Y= YQ== cG9zc2libGU= ZGVmZW5zZQ== YWdhaW5zdA== Y2xhaW1zLg== QW4= aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== ZGVsZXRpb24= cmVxdWVzdA== aXM= cG9zc2libGU= YXQ= YW55 dGltZSw= cHJvdmlkZWQ= dGhhdA== dGhl Zm9ybWVy ZXhpc3RlbmNl b2Y= YQ== Y29uc2VudA== aXM= Y29uZmlybWVk YXQ= dGhl c2FtZQ== dGltZS4= SW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= YW4= b2JsaWdhdGlvbg== dG8= cGVybWFuZW50bHk= b2JzZXJ2ZQ== YW4= b2JqZWN0aW9uLA== d2U= cmVzZXJ2ZQ== dGhl cmlnaHQ= dG8= c3RvcmU= dGhl ZS1tYWls YWRkcmVzcw== c29sZWx5 Zm9y dGhpcw== cHVycG9zZQ== aW4= YQ== YmxhY2tsaXN0LgoKPHN0cm9uZz5JbmZvcm1hdGlvbg== b24= bGVnYWw= YmFzZXM6PC9zdHJvbmc+ VGhl c2VuZGluZw== b2Y= dGhl bmV3c2xldHRlcg== aXM= YmFzZWQ= b24= dGhl Y29uc2VudA== b2Y= dGhl cmVjaXBpZW50cw== b3Is aWY= Y29uc2VudA== aXM= bm90 cmVxdWlyZWQs b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz aW4= ZGlyZWN0 bWFya2V0aW5nLg== SW5zb2Zhcg== YXM= d2U= ZW5nYWdl YQ== c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXI= Zm9y c2VuZGluZw== ZS1tYWlscyw= dGhpcw== aXM= ZG9uZQ== b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3RzLg== VGhl cmVnaXN0cmF0aW9u cHJvY2VkdXJl aXM= cmVjb3JkZWQ= b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZQ== b2Y= ZGVtb25zdHJhdGluZw== dGhhdA== aXQ= aGFz YmVlbg== Y29uZHVjdGVk aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl bGF3Lg==
Contents: Information about us, our services, promotions and offers.
Performance measurement:
The newsletters contain a so-called „web-beacon“, i.e. a pixel-sized file, which is retrieved from our server when the newsletter is opened or, if we use a mailing service provider, from its server. Within the scope of this retrieval, technical information such as information about the browser and your system, as well as your IP address and time of retrieval are first collected.
This information is used for the technical improvement of our newsletter on the basis of technical data or target groups and their reading behaviour on the basis of their retrieval points (which can be determined with the help of the IP address) or access times. This analysis also includes determining whether newsletters are opened, when they are opened and which links are clicked. For technical reasons, this information can be assigned dG8= dGhl aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== bmV3c2xldHRlcg== cmVjaXBpZW50cy4= SXQ= aXMs aG93ZXZlciw= bmVpdGhlcg== b3Vy ZW5kZWF2b3Vy bm9yLA== aWY= dXNlZCw= dGhhdA== b2Y= dGhl c2hpcHBpbmc= c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXI= dG8= b2JzZXJ2ZQ== aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== dXNlcnMu VGhl ZXZhbHVhdGlvbnM= c2VydmU= dXM= bXVjaA== bW9yZQ== dG8= cmVjb2duaXpl dGhl cmVhZGluZw== aGFiaXRz b2Y= b3Vy dXNlcnM= YW5k dG8= YWRhcHQ= b3Vy Y29udGVudA== dG8= dGhlbQ== b3I= dG8= c2VuZA== ZGlmZmVyZW50 Y29udGVudA== YWNjb3JkaW5n dG8= dGhl aW50ZXJlc3Rz b2Y= b3Vy dXNlcnMuCgpUaGU= ZXZhbHVhdGlvbg== b2Y= dGhl bmV3c2xldHRlcg== YW5k dGhl bWVhc3VyZW1lbnQ= b2Y= c3VjY2Vzcw== aXM= Y2FycmllZA== b3V0LA== c3ViamVjdA== dG8= dGhl ZXhwcmVzcw== Y29uc2VudA== b2Y= dGhl dXNlciw= b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= dXNpbmc= YQ== dXNlci1mcmllbmRseQ== YW5k c2VjdXJl bmV3c2xldHRlcg== c3lzdGVt d2hpY2g= c2VydmVz Ym90aA== b3Vy YnVzaW5lc3M= aW50ZXJlc3Rz YW5k dGhl ZXhwZWN0YXRpb25z b2Y= dGhl dXNlci4KCkE= c2VwYXJhdGU= b2JqZWN0aW9u dG8= dGhl cGVyZm9ybWFuY2U= bWVhc3VyZW1lbnQ= aXM= dW5mb3J0dW5hdGVseQ== bm90 cG9zc2libGUs aW4= dGhpcw== Y2FzZQ== dGhl ZW50aXJl bmV3c2xldHRlcg== c3Vic2NyaXB0aW9u bXVzdA== YmU= Y2FuY2VsbGVk b3I= b2JqZWN0ZWQ= dG8u
Web analysis is used to evaluate the visitor traffic on our website and may include the behaviour, interests or demographic information of users, such as age or gender, as pseudonymous values. With the help of web analysis we can e.g. recognize, at which time our online services or their functions or contents are most frequently used or requested for repeatedly, as well as which areas require optimization.
In addition to web analysis, we can also use test procedures, e.g. to test and optimize different versions of our online services or their components.
For these purposes, so-called user profiles can be created and stored in a file (so-called „cookie“) or similar procedures in which the relevant user information for the aforementioned analyses is stored. This information may include, for example, content viewed, web pages visited and elements and technical data used there, such as the browser used, computer system used and information on times b2Y= dXNlLg== SWY= dXNlcnM= aGF2ZQ== Y29uc2VudGVk dG8= dGhl Y29sbGVjdGlvbg== b2Y= dGhlaXI= bG9jYXRpb24= ZGF0YSw= dGhlc2U= bWF5 YWxzbw== YmU= cHJvY2Vzc2VkLA== ZGVwZW5kaW5n b24= dGhl cHJvdmlkZXIuCgpUaGU= SVA= YWRkcmVzc2Vz b2Y= dGhl dXNlcnM= YXJl YWxzbw== c3RvcmVkLg== SG93ZXZlciw= d2U= dXNl YW55 ZXhpc3Rpbmc= SVA= bWFza2luZw== cHJvY2VkdXJl KGkuZS4= cHNldWRvbnltaXNhdGlvbg== Ynk= c2hvcnRlbmluZw== dGhl SVA= YWRkcmVzcyk= dG8= cHJvdGVjdA== dGhl dXNlci4= SW4= Z2VuZXJhbCw= d2l0aGlu dGhl ZnJhbWV3b3Jr b2Y= d2Vi YW5hbHlzaXMs QS9C dGVzdGluZw== YW5k b3B0aW1pc2F0aW9uLA== bm8= dXNlcg== ZGF0YQ== KHN1Y2g= YXM= ZS1tYWls YWRkcmVzc2Vz b3I= bmFtZXMp aXM= c3RvcmVkLA== YnV0 cHNldWRvbnltcy4= VGhpcw== bWVhbnM= dGhhdA== d2Us YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= dGhl cHJvdmlkZXJz b2Y= dGhl c29mdHdhcmU= dXNlZCw= ZG8= bm90 a25vdw== dGhl YWN0dWFs aWRlbnRpdHk= b2Y= dGhl dXNlcnMs YnV0 b25seQ== dGhl aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= c3RvcmVk aW4= dGhlaXI= cHJvZmlsZXM= Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= dGhl cmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== cHJvY2Vzc2VzLgoKPHN0cm9uZz5JbmZvcm1hdGlvbg== b24= bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM6PC9zdHJvbmc+ SWY= d2U= YXNr dGhl dXNlcnM= Zm9y dGhlaXI= Y29uc2VudA== dG8= dGhl dXNl b2Y= dGhpcmQ= cGFydHk= cHJvdmlkZXJzLA== dGhl bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM= b2Y= dGhl cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== aXM= Y29uc2VudC4= RnVydGhlcm1vcmUs dGhl cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== Y2Fu YmU= YQ== Y29tcG9uZW50 b2Y= b3Vy KHByZSljb250cmFjdHVhbA== c2VydmljZXMs cHJvdmlkZWQ= dGhhdA== dGhl dXNl b2Y= dGhl dGhpcmQ= cGFydHk= d2Fz YWdyZWVk d2l0aGlu dGhpcw== Y29udGV4dC4= T3RoZXJ3aXNlLA== dXNlcg== ZGF0YQ== d2lsbA== YmU= cHJvY2Vzc2Vk b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz KGkuZS4= aW50ZXJlc3Q= aW4= ZWZmaWNpZW50LA== ZWNvbm9taWM= YW5k cmVjaXBpZW50 ZnJpZW5kbHk= c2VydmljZXMpLg== SW4= dGhpcw== Y29udGV4dCw= d2U= d291bGQ= YWxzbw== bGlrZQ== dG8= cmVmZXI= eW91 dG8= dGhl aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcw== aW4= dGhpcw== cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5Lg==
We process personal data for the purposes of online marketing, which may include in particular the marketing of advertising space or the display of advertising and other content (collectively referred to as „Content“) based on the potential interests of users and the measurement of their effectiveness.
For these purposes, so-called user profiles are created and stored in a file (so-called „cookie“) or similar procedure in which the relevant user information for the display of the aforementioned content is stored. This information may include, for example, content viewed, websites visited, online networks used, communication partners and technical information such as the browser used, computer system used and information on usage times. If users have consented to the collection of their sideline data, these can also be processed.
The IP addresses of the users are also stored. However, we use provided IP masking procedures (i.e. pseudonymisation by shortening the IP address) to ensure the cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== b2Y= dGhl dXNlcidz Ynk= dXNpbmc= YQ== cHNldWRvbnltLg== SW4= Z2VuZXJhbCw= d2l0aGlu dGhl ZnJhbWV3b3Jr b2Y= dGhl b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n cHJvY2Vzcyw= bm8= Y2xlYXI= dXNlcg== ZGF0YQ== KHN1Y2g= YXM= ZS1tYWls YWRkcmVzc2Vz b3I= bmFtZXMp aXM= c2VjdXJlZCw= YnV0 cHNldWRvbnltcy4= VGhpcw== bWVhbnM= dGhhdA== d2Us YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= dGhl cHJvdmlkZXJz b2Y= b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n cHJvY2VkdXJlcyw= ZG8= bm90 a25vdw== dGhl YWN0dWFs aWRlbnRpdHk= b2Y= dGhl dXNlcnMs YnV0 b25seQ== dGhl aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= c3RvcmVk aW4= dGhlaXI= cHJvZmlsZXMuCgpUaGU= aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= aW4= dGhl cHJvZmlsZXM= aXM= dXN1YWxseQ== c3RvcmVk aW4= dGhl Y29va2llcw== b3I= c2ltaWxhcg== bWVtb3JpemluZw== cHJvY2VkdXJlcy4= VGhlc2U= Y29va2llcw== Y2Fu bGF0ZXIs Z2VuZXJhbGx5 YWxzbw== b24= b3RoZXI= d2Vic2l0ZXM= dGhhdA== dXNl dGhl c2FtZQ== b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n dGVjaG5vbG9neSw= YmU= cmVhZA== YW5k YW5hbHl6ZWQ= Zm9y cHVycG9zZXM= b2Y= Y29udGVudA== ZGlzcGxheSw= YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= c3VwcGxlbWVudGVk d2l0aA== b3RoZXI= ZGF0YQ== YW5k c3RvcmVk b24= dGhl c2VydmVy b2Y= dGhl b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n dGVjaG5vbG9neQ== cHJvdmlkZXIuCgpFeGNlcHRpb25hbGx5LA== Y2xlYXI= ZGF0YQ== Y2Fu YmU= YXNzaWduZWQ= dG8= dGhl cHJvZmlsZXMu VGhpcw== aXM= dGhl Y2FzZSw= Zm9y ZXhhbXBsZSw= aWY= dGhl dXNlcnM= YXJl bWVtYmVycw== b2Y= YQ== c29jaWFs bmV0d29yaw== d2hvc2U= b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n dGVjaG5vbG9neQ== d2U= dXNl YW5k dGhl bmV0d29yaw== bGlua3M= dGhl cHJvZmlsZXM= b2Y= dGhl dXNlcnM= aW4= dGhl YWZvcmVtZW50aW9uZWQ= ZGF0YS4= UGxlYXNl bm90ZQ== dGhhdA== dXNlcnM= bWF5 ZW50ZXI= aW50bw== YWRkaXRpb25hbA== YWdyZWVtZW50cw== d2l0aA== dGhl c29jaWFs bmV0d29yaw== cHJvdmlkZXJz b3I= b3RoZXI= c2VydmljZQ== cHJvdmlkZXJzLA== ZS5nLg== Ynk= Y29uc2VudGluZw== YXM= cGFydA== b2Y= YQ== cmVnaXN0cmF0aW9u cHJvY2Vzcy4KQXM= YQ== bWF0dGVy b2Y= cHJpbmNpcGxlLA== d2U= b25seQ== Z2Fpbg== YWNjZXNz dG8= c3VtbWFyaXNlZA== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= YWJvdXQ= dGhl cGVyZm9ybWFuY2U= b2Y= b3Vy YWR2ZXJ0aXNlbWVudHMu SG93ZXZlciw= d2l0aGlu dGhl ZnJhbWV3b3Jr b2Y= c28tY2FsbGVk Y29udmVyc2lvbg== bWVhc3VyZW1lbnQs d2U= Y2Fu Y2hlY2s= d2hpY2g= b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n cHJvY2Vzc2Vz aGF2ZQ== bGVk dG8= YQ== c28tY2FsbGVk Y29udmVyc2lvbiw= aS5lLg== dG8= dGhl Y29uY2x1c2lvbg== b2Y= YQ== Y29udHJhY3Q= d2l0aA== dXMu VGhl Y29udmVyc2lvbg== bWVhc3VyZW1lbnQ= aXM= dXNlZA== YWxvbmU= Zm9y dGhl cGVyZm9ybWFuY2U= YW5hbHlzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bWFya2V0aW5n YWN0aXZpdGllcy4KClVubGVzcw== b3RoZXJ3aXNl c3RhdGVkLA== d2U= a2luZGx5 YXNr eW91 dG8= Y29uc2lkZXI= dGhhdA== Y29va2llcw== dXNlZA== d2lsbA== YmU= c3RvcmVk Zm9y YQ== cGVyaW9k b2Y= dHdv eWVhcnMuCgo8c3Ryb25nPkluZm9ybWF0aW9u b24= bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM6PC9zdHJvbmc+ SWY= d2U= YXNr dXNlcnM= Zm9y dGhlaXI= Y29uc2VudA== KGUuZy4= aW4= dGhl Y29udGV4dA== b2Y= YQ== c28tY2FsbGVk ImNvb2tpZQ== YmFubmVy Y29uc2VudCIpLA== dGhl bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM= Zm9y cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== ZGF0YQ== Zm9y b25saW5l bWFya2V0aW5n cHVycG9zZXM= aXM= dGhpcw== Y29uc2VudC4= T3RoZXJ3aXNlLA== dXNlcg== ZGF0YQ== d2lsbA== YmU= cHJvY2Vzc2Vk b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz KGkuZS4= aW50ZXJlc3Q= aW4= dGhl YW5hbHlzaXMs b3B0aW1pc2F0aW9u YW5k ZWNvbm9taWM= b3BlcmF0aW9u b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXMu SW4= dGhpcw== Y29udGV4dCw= d2U= d291bGQ= YWxzbw== bGlrZQ== dG8= cmVmZXI= eW91 dG8= dGhl aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcw== aW4= dGhpcw== cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5Lg==
Google Analytics:
Facebook Pixel:
With the help of the Facebook pixel, Facebook is on the one hand able to determine the visitors of our online services as a target group for the presentation of ads (so-called „Facebook ads“). Accordingly, we use Facebook pixels to display Facebook ads placed by us only to Facebook users and within the services of partners cooperating with Facebook (so-called „audience network“ https://www.facebook.com/audiencenetwork/ ) who have shown an interest in our online services or who have certain characteristics (e.g. interests in certain topics or cHJvZHVjdHM= dGhhdA== YXJl ZGV0ZXJtaW5lZA== b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= dGhl d2Vic2l0ZXM= dmlzaXRlZCk= dGhhdA== d2U= dHJhbnNtaXQ= dG8= RmFjZWJvb2s= KHNvLWNhbGxlZA== ImN1c3RvbQ== YXVkaWVuY2VzIiku V2l0aA== dGhl aGVscA== b2Y= RmFjZWJvb2s= cGl4ZWxzLA== d2U= YWxzbw== d2FudA== dG8= ZW5zdXJl dGhhdA== b3Vy RmFjZWJvb2s= YWRz Y29ycmVzcG9uZA== dG8= dGhl cG90ZW50aWFs aW50ZXJlc3Q= b2Y= dXNlcnM= YW5k ZG8= bm90 YXBwZWFy YW5ub3lpbmcu VGhl RmFjZWJvb2s= cGl4ZWw= YWxzbw== ZW5hYmxlcw== dXM= dG8= dHJhY2s= dGhl ZWZmZWN0aXZlbmVzcw== b2Y= RmFjZWJvb2s= YWRz Zm9y c3RhdGlzdGljYWw= YW5k bWFya2V0 cmVzZWFyY2g= cHVycG9zZXM= Ynk= c2hvd2luZw== d2hldGhlcg== dXNlcnM= d2VyZQ== cmVmZXJyZWQ= dG8= b3Vy d2Vic2l0ZQ== YWZ0ZXI= Y2xpY2tpbmc= b24= YQ== RmFjZWJvb2s= YWQ= KGtub3du YXM= ImNvbnZlcnNpb24= dHJhY2tpbmciKS4=
Services and service providers being used:
We maintain online presences within social networks in order to communicate with the users active there or to offer ind information about us there.
We would like to point out that user data may be processed outside the European Union. This may entail risks for users, e.g. by making it more difficult to enforce users‘ rights. With regard to US providers certified under the Privacy Shield or offering comparable guarantees of a secure level of data protection, we would like to point out that they thereby commit themselves to comply with EU data protection standards.
In addition, user data is usually processed within social networks for market research and advertising purposes. For example, user profiles can be created on the basis of user behaviour and the associated interests of users. The user profiles can then be used, for example, to place advertisements within and outside the networks which are presumed to correspond to dGhl aW50ZXJlc3Rz b2Y= dGhl dXNlcnMu Rm9y dGhlc2U= cHVycG9zZXMs Y29va2llcw== YXJl dXN1YWxseQ== c3RvcmVk b24= dGhl dXNlcidz Y29tcHV0ZXIs aW4= d2hpY2g= dGhl dXNlcidz dXNhZ2U= YmVoYXZpb3Vy YW5k aW50ZXJlc3Rz YXJl c3RvcmVkLg== RnVydGhlcm1vcmUs ZGF0YQ== Y2Fu YmU= c3RvcmVk aW4= dGhl dXNlcg== cHJvZmlsZXM= aW5kZXBlbmRlbnRseQ== b2Y= dGhl ZGV2aWNlcw== dXNlZA== Ynk= dGhl dXNlcnM= KGVzcGVjaWFsbHk= aWY= dGhl dXNlcnM= YXJl bWVtYmVycw== b2Y= dGhl cmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== bmV0d29ycw== b3I= d2lsbA== YmVjb21l bWVtYmVycw== bGF0ZXI= b24pLgoKRm9y YQ== ZGV0YWlsZWQ= ZGVzY3JpcHRpb24= b2Y= dGhl cmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b3BlcmF0aW9ucw== YW5k dGhl b3B0LW91dA== b3B0aW9ucyw= cGxlYXNl cmVmZXI= dG8= dGhl cmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== ZGF0YQ== cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== ZGVjbGFyYXRpb25z YW5k aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= cHJvdmlkZWQ= Ynk= dGhl cHJvdmlkZXJz b2Y= dGhl cmVzcGVjdGl2ZQ== bmV0d29ya3MuCgpBbHNv aW4= dGhl Y2FzZQ== b2Y= cmVxdWVzdHM= Zm9y aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= YW5k dGhl ZXhlcmNpc2U= b2Y= cmlnaHRz b2Y= ZGF0YQ== c3ViamVjdHMs d2U= cG9pbnQ= b3V0 dGhhdA== dGhlc2U= Y2Fu YmU= bW9zdA== ZWZmZWN0aXZlbHk= cHVyc3VlZA== d2l0aA== dGhl cHJvdmlkZXJzLg== T25seQ== dGhl cHJvdmlkZXJz aGF2ZQ== YWNjZXNz dG8= dGhl ZGF0YQ== b2Y= dGhl dXNlcnM= YW5k Y2Fu ZGlyZWN0bHk= dGFrZQ== YXBwcm9wcmlhdGU= bWVhc3VyZXM= YW5k cHJvdmlkZQ== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24u SWY= eW91 c3RpbGw= bmVlZA== aGVscCw= cGxlYXNl ZG8= bm90 aGVzaXRhdGU= dG8= Y29udGFjdA== dXMu
Instagram :
Services and service providers being used:
Within our online services, we integrate functional and content elements that are obtained from the servers of their respective providers (hereinafter referred to as „third-party providers“). These may, for example, be graphics, videos or social media buttons as well as contributions (hereinafter uniformly referred to as „Content“).
The integration always presupposes that the third-party providers of this content process the IP address of the user, since they could not send the content to their browser without the IP address. The IP address is therefore required for the presentation of these contents or functions. We strive to use only those contents, whose respective offerers use the IP address only for the distribution of the contents. Third parties may also use so-called pixel tags (invisible graphics, also known as „web beacons“) for statistical or marketing purposes. The „pixel tags“ Y2Fu YmU= dXNlZA== dG8= ZXZhbHVhdGU= aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= c3VjaA== YXM= dmlzaXRvcg== dHJhZmZpYw== b24= dGhl cGFnZXM= b2Y= dGhpcw== d2Vic2l0ZS4= VGhl cHNldWRvbnltb3Vz aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= bWF5 YWxzbw== YmU= c3RvcmVk aW4= Y29va2llcw== b24= dGhl dXNlcidz ZGV2aWNl YW5k bWF5 aW5jbHVkZQ== dGVjaG5pY2Fs aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= YWJvdXQ= dGhl YnJvd3Nlcg== YW5k b3BlcmF0aW5n c3lzdGVtLA== cmVmZXJyaW5n d2Vic2l0ZXMs dmlzaXQ= dGltZXM= YW5k b3RoZXI= aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= YWJvdXQ= dGhl dXNl b2Y= b3Vy d2Vic2l0ZSw= YXM= d2VsbA== YXM= bWF5 YmU= bGlua2Vk dG8= c3VjaA== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= ZnJvbQ== b3RoZXI= c291cmNlcy4KCjxzdHJvbmc+SW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM6PC9zdHJvbmc+ SWY= d2U= YXNr dXNlcnM= Zm9y dGhlaXI= Y29uc2VudA== KGUuZy4= aW4= dGhl Y29udGV4dA== b2Y= YQ== c28tY2FsbGVk ImNvb2tpZQ== YmFubmVy Y29uc2VudCIpLA== dGhl bGVnYWw= YmFzaXM= Zm9y cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== aXM= dGhpcw== Y29uc2VudC4= T3RoZXJ3aXNlLA== dXNlcg== ZGF0YQ== d2lsbA== YmU= cHJvY2Vzc2Vk b24= dGhl YmFzaXM= b2Y= b3Vy bGVnaXRpbWF0ZQ== aW50ZXJlc3Rz KGkuZS4= aW50ZXJlc3Q= aW4= dGhl YW5hbHlzaXMs b3B0aW1pc2F0aW9u YW5k ZWNvbm9taWM= b3BlcmF0aW9u b2Y= b3Vy b25saW5l c2VydmljZXMu V2U= cmVmZXI= eW91 dG8= dGhl bm90ZQ== b24= dGhl dXNl b2Y= Y29va2llcw== aW4= dGhpcw== cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5Lg==
The data processed by us will be erased in accordance with the statutory provisions as soon as their processing is revoked or other permissions no longer apply (e.g. if the purpose of processing this data no longer applies or they are not required for the purpose).
If the data is not deleted because they are required for other and legally permissible purposes, their processing is limited to these purposes. This means that the ZGF0YQ== d2lsbA== YmU= cmVzdHJpY3RlZA== YW5k bm90 cHJvY2Vzc2Vk Zm9y b3RoZXI= cHVycG9zZXMu VGhpcw== YXBwbGllcyw= Zm9y ZXhhbXBsZSw= dG8= ZGF0YQ== dGhhdA== bXVzdA== YmU= c3RvcmVk Zm9y Y29tbWVyY2lhbA== b3I= dGF4 cmVhc29ucw== b3I= Zm9y d2hpY2g= c3RvcmFnZQ== aXM= bmVjZXNzYXJ5 dG8= YXNzZXJ0LA== ZXhlcmNpc2U= b3I= ZGVmZW5k bGVnYWw= Y2xhaW1z b3I= dG8= cHJvdGVjdA== dGhl cmlnaHRz b2Y= YW5vdGhlcg== bmF0dXJhbA== b3I= bGVnYWw= cGVyc29uLgpGdXJ0aGVy aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b24= dGhl ZXJhc3VyZQ== b2Y= cGVyc29uYWw= ZGF0YQ== Y2Fu YWxzbw== YmU= Zm91bmQ= aW4= dGhl aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== ZGF0YQ== cHJvdGVjdGlvbg== bm90aWNlcw== b2Y= dGhpcw== cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5Lg==
We kindly ask you to inform yourself regularly about the contents of our data protection declaration. We will adjust the privacy policy as changes in our data processing practices make this necessary. We will inform you as soon as the changes require your Y29vcGVyYXRpb24= KGUuZy4= Y29uc2VudCk= b3I= b3RoZXI= aW5kaXZpZHVhbA== bm90aWZpY2F0aW9uLgoKSWY= d2U= cHJvdmlkZQ== YWRkcmVzc2Vz YW5k Y29udGFjdA== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= b2Y= Y29tcGFuaWVz YW5k b3JnYW5pemF0aW9ucw== aW4= dGhpcw== cHJpdmFjeQ== cG9saWN5LA== d2U= YXNr eW91 dG8= bm90ZQ== dGhhdA== YWRkcmVzc2Vz bWF5 Y2hhbmdl b3Zlcg== dGltZQ== YW5k dG8= dmVyaWZ5 dGhl aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= YmVmb3Jl Y29udGFjdGluZw== dXMu
As data subject, you are entitled to various rights under the GDPR, which arise in particular from Articles 15 to 18 and 21 of the GDPR:
Where personal data are processed for direct marketing purposes, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of the personal data concerning you for the purpose of such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent that it is related to such direct marketing.
YmU= aW5mb3JtZWQ= b2Y= dGhpcw== ZGF0YQ== YW5k dG8= cmVjZWl2ZQ== ZnVydGhlcg== aW5mb3JtYXRpb24= YW5k YQ== Y29weQ== b2Y= dGhl ZGF0YQ== aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl cHJvdmlzaW9ucw== b2Y= dGhl bGF3LjwvbGk+CjxsaT48c3Ryb25nPlJpZ2h0 dG8= cmVjdGlmaWNhdGlvbjo8L3N0cm9uZz4= WW91 aGF2ZQ== dGhl cmlnaHQs aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl bGF3LA== dG8= cmVxdWVzdA== dGhl Y29tcGxldGlvbg== b2Y= dGhl ZGF0YQ== Y29uY2VybmluZw== eW91 b3I= dGhl cmVjdGlmaWNhdGlvbg== b2Y= dGhl aW5jb3JyZWN0 ZGF0YQ== Y29uY2VybmluZw== eW91LjwvbGk+CjxsaT48c3Ryb25nPlJpZ2h0 dG8= RXJhc3VyZQ== YW5k UmlnaHQ= dG8= UmVzdHJpY3Rpb24= b2Y= UHJvY2Vzc2luZzo8L3N0cm9uZz4= SW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl c3RhdHV0b3J5 cHJvdmlzaW9ucyw= eW91 aGF2ZQ== dGhl cmlnaHQ= dG8= ZGVtYW5k dGhhdA== dGhl cmVsZXZhbnQ= ZGF0YQ== YmU= ZXJhc2Vk aW1tZWRpYXRlbHk= b3Is YWx0ZXJuYXRpdmVseSw= dG8= ZGVtYW5k dGhhdA== dGhl cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b2Y= dGhl ZGF0YQ== YmU= cmVzdHJpY3RlZA== aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl c3RhdHV0b3J5 cHJvdmlzaW9ucy48L2xpPgo8bGk+PHN0cm9uZz5SaWdodA== dG8= ZGF0YQ== cG9ydGFiaWxpdHk6PC9zdHJvbmc+ WW91 aGF2ZQ== dGhl cmlnaHQ= dG8= cmVjZWl2ZQ== ZGF0YQ== Y29uY2VybmluZw== eW91 d2hpY2g= eW91 aGF2ZQ== cHJvdmlkZWQ= dG8= dXM= aW4= YQ== c3RydWN0dXJlZCw= Y29tbW9u YW5k bWFjaGluZS1yZWFkYWJsZQ== Zm9ybWF0 aW4= YWNjb3JkYW5jZQ== d2l0aA== dGhl bGVnYWw= cmVxdWlyZW1lbnRzLA== b3I= dG8= cmVxdWVzdA== aXRz dHJhbnNtaXNzaW9u dG8= YW5vdGhlcg== Y29udHJvbGxlci48L2xpPgo8bGk+PHN0cm9uZz5Db21wbGFpbnQ= dG8= dGhl c3VwZXJ2aXNvcnk= YXV0aG9yaXR5Ojwvc3Ryb25nPg== WW91 YWxzbw== aGF2ZQ== dGhl cmlnaHQs dW5kZXI= dGhl Y29uZGl0aW9ucw== bGFpZA== ZG93bg== Ynk= bGF3LA== dG8= bG9kZ2U= YQ== Y29tcGxhaW50 d2l0aA== YQ== c3VwZXJ2aXNvcnk= YXV0aG9yaXR5LA== aW4= cGFydGljdWxhcg== aW4= dGhl TWVtYmVy U3RhdGU= b2Y= eW91cg== aGFiaXR1YWw= cmVzaWRlbmNlLA== cGxhY2U= b2Y= d29yaw== b3I= cGxhY2U= b2Y= dGhl YWxsZWdlZA== aW5mcmluZ2VtZW50 aWY= eW91 Y29uc2lkZXI= dGhhdA== dGhl cHJvY2Vzc2luZw== b2Y= cGVyc29uYWw= ZGF0YQ== cmVsYXRpbmc= dG8= eW91 aW5mcmluZ2Vz dGhl R0RQUi48L2xpPgo8L3VsPg==
This section provides an overview of the terms used in this privacy policy. Many of the terms are drawn from the law and defined mainly in Article 4 GDPR. VGhl bGVnYWw= ZGVmaW5pdGlvbnM= YXJl YmluZGluZy4= VGhl Zm9sbG93aW5n ZXhwbGFuYXRpb25zLA== b24= dGhl b3RoZXI= aGFuZCw= YXJl aW50ZW5kZWQ= YWJvdmU= YWxs Zm9y dGhl cHVycG9zZQ== b2Y= Y29tcHJlaGVuc2lvbi4= VGhl dGVybXM= YXJl c29ydGVk YWxwaGFiZXRpY2FsbHku